JAKIN CHILDREN’S CLUB (JCC) is an initiative of Jakin N.G.O which was inaugurated March 13th 2010. JCC was carved out of a need to create a platform for orphans and vulnerable children within the Samaritan Platform project (SPP) of Jakin to come together, interact and receive various re-formative training.


The objective of JAKIN CHILDREN’S CLUB (JCC) is to bring such children together at least once a month to interact and a sense of belonging. They are able to receive various educative, re-formative and trans-formative trainings in a well structured environment to help improve their quality of life.


JCC is for children ranging from ages 0-<18yrs old. They are divided into 3 groups for proper monitoring. The groups are

  • Infant and Minor Group (0-4yrs) and their caregivers
  • Kids Group (5-11yrs)
  • Teens Group (12-<18yrs)

July Edition comes up 15th July, 2017


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