Annual world aids day
Annually, JAKIN N.G.O joins the rest of the world to commemorate the December 1st World Aids day. Activities such as. With support and collaboration with Lagos Aids Control Agency (LSACA) activities such as HIV/Aids enlightenment training for traditional birth attendants, training of community volunteers on HIV/Aids prevention, HIV/Aids community awareness campaign, distribution of HIV prevention IEC materials, distribution of male condoms and female condoms and also free Hiv counseling and testing (HCT).The 2013 edition was a two days community sensitization outreach which included the provision of free HCT services for community members in OTTO community of Mainland LG. 257 clients benefitted while 4 tested positive and where referred to the nearest health facilities for ART services. 19 participants consisting of 9 staff (including 5 counsellor testers) and 9 volunteers participated in the outreach using megaphones, distribution of IEC materials and one on one outreaches. The event was conducted in collaboration with LSACA who provided all the IEC materials, test kits, condoms, t-shirts and face caps. 176 male condoms were distributed for clients during the HCT service provision.
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